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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

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Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s (SVKM) Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering (DJSCE), was established in the year 1994. DJSCE is an Autonomous Institution, granted autonomy by the University Grants Commission (UGC) for a period of 10 years, starting from the A.Y. 2019-20 till 2028-29. The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) has accredited DJSCE with a CGPA of 3.18 out of 4, i.e., with an "A” Grade for a period of 5 years with effect from 18th of October 2019.

The college has introduced four-year B. Tech. degree in "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” from the academic year 2021-2022 with intake of 60 students.

Key Points

4 Years
Year of establishment
B.Tech(Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

Why Choose Us?

  • Coined in the year 1956 by John McCarthy’s, the term "Artificial intelligence” (AI) has become exceedingly significant today due to increased data volumes, advanced algorithms, and improvements in computing power and storage.
  • AI is a wide-ranging branch of computer science concerned with building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence.
  • Machine Learning, a subset of AI, is defined as "the field of study that gives computers the capability to learn without being explicitly programmed” by Arthur Samuel in the year 1959.
  • Tractica, a market intelligence firm in USA predicts the global AI software market will be worth $126 billion by 2025.
  • A 2019 Gartner survey indicates 37% of business enterprises already implemented AI in their workplaces.
  • As per machine learning market research report by Market Research Future, the global machine learning market is projected to grow from $7.3B in 2020 to $30.6B in 2024.
  • AI career is future proof, and its applications are in all most every field including healthcare, education, transportation, retail, communications, agriculture, media, retail, advertising etc.


Second Year

Semester III Semester IV
Linear Algebra and Optimization Techniques
Statistics for Engineers
Data Structures Innovative Product Development II
Python Laboratory Artificial Intelligence
Operating Systems
Data Mining and Analytics
Open Elective
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Innovative Product Development I Programming Laboratory-II (Web Development)
Professional and Business Communication Tutorial 
Design Thinking Laboratory
Economics and Financial Management
Constitution of India
Community Engagement Service

Third Year

Semester V Semester VI
Digital Signal and Image Processing Computer Vision
Machine Learning Deep Learning
Natural Language Processing
Machine Learning Operations (MLOps)
Programming Laboratory-III(Full stack development using python) Design Thinking Laboratory
Department Elective 1: Computer Network Security Department Elective 1: IoT Foundations
Department Elective 2: Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms Department Elective 2 : Time Series Analysis
Department Elective 3: Recommendation Systems Department Elective 3: Human Machine Interaction
Environmental Studies Professional and Business Communication Laboratory
Innovative Product Development III Innovative Product Development IV

Final Year

Semester VII Semester VIII (Proposed)
High Performance Computing Reinforcement Learning
Large Language Models Reinforcement Learning Laboratory
Big Data Laboratory Ethical / responsible AI
Elective1: Robotics Ethical / responsible AI Laboratory
Elective 2: Artificial Intelligence in Finance UI/UX Laboratory
Elective 3: Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security AIML applications: Healthcare
Institute Level Elective Courses- I AIML applications: Healthcare Laboratory
Project Stage - I Social Media Analytics
   Social Media Analytics Laboratory
   Quantum AI
   Quantum AI Laboratory

View Syllabus:

Year/Scheme DJ19 DJS22 DJ23 Honors
S.Y. Sem-III Sem-III Sem-III Sem-III
Sem-IV Sem-IV Sem-IV Sem-IV
T.Y. Sem-V Sem-V Sem-V Sem-V
Sem-VI Sem-VI Sem-VI Sem-VI
B.Tech Sem-VII Sem-VII
  Sem-VIII      Sem-VIII    

Scheme and Syllabus of Minors Degree Program