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Computer Science and Engineering (IOT and Cyber Security with Block Chain Technology)

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About Us

Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed traditional living into a high-tech lifestyle. Some changes brought about by IoT include smart cities, smart healthcare, smart agriculture, smart transportation, and smart industries. Many important research projects and investigations have been carried out to advance technology in IoT domain. Skilled professionals required to design smart solutions with emerging IoT technology. The next Industrialization will be fueled by IoT. In today's digital era due to the dependence on online operations, social media usage, emerging technologies like IoT, IIoT, and IoE, digitization, and the pervasiveness of mobile devices Cyber Security is crucial. The necessity of the hour is to explore in the domain of Cyber Security to secure online activities, transactions. To comprehend the state of the cyber world today, it is essential to have a basic understanding of cyber security. Blockchain offers a trusted sharing service where information is verifiable and traceable so attracted a lot of interest from governments, businesses, and academia. Blockchain technology enhances the privacy of IoT devices and the networks that they are connected to. With the use of blockchain technology, data sources may be located at any time, and because the data is immutable over time, the security of the data is increased. Blockchain enhances cybersecurity procedures through stronger connections and encryption. The course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills required in above areas by having a comprehensive, yet flexible mix of subjects that are industry ready and shall give students a head start into a career in domains of IoT and Cybersecurity. Students not only get a big advantage of the Institute’s state of the art infrastructure, but also get an immense benefit of an entrenched placement process of our reputed institute.

Key Points

4 Years
Year of establishment

Why Choose Us?

Our course offers a blend and mix of courses in these rapidly emerging areas with a curriculum curated by academics and industry professionals. IoT applications like smart industry, smart home, smart city, smart healthcare etc. focus on automating different tasks in these wide-ranging areas. The extensively increasing network and automation requires high security and privacy of data. Cyberspace being a common platform, accessed by anyone from every corner of the world, has resulted an increase in cyber vulnerability leading to evolvement of Cyber Security approaches. As more businesses move their operations online, and with cyberattacks on the rise, the need for skilled cybersecurity professionals is ever increasing. Any industry that transacts online or carries sensitive data is in need of a Cyber Security professional to safeguard its date from vulnerabilities. Blockchain has its ability to create more transparency and fairness while also saving businesses time and money. The demand for people with Blockchain skills is high due to its many-field applications. The students in this program shall be empowered with a detailed review of the security-related challenges and sources of threat in the IoT applications and cyberspace. 

This program presents diverse career opportunities like: 

  • Penetration Tester
  • Security Architect
  • Security Analyst
  • Security Auditor

  • Security Consultant

  • Blockchain Developer

  • Blockchain Solution Architect

  • Crypto Brokers

  • Analyst, IoT Engineer

  • IoT Architect



Second Year

Semester III Semester IV
Engineering Mathematics - III Statistics for Engineers
Data Structures  Operating System
Database Management System Computer Networks
Digital Logic Design and Applications Analysis of Algorithms
Discrete Structures Introduction to IoT
Programming Laboratory I (Python) Programming Laboratory II (Java and Advanced Java) 
Innovative Product Development I (Audit) Environmental Studies (Audit)
Constitution of India (Audit) Innovative Product Development II (Audit)

View Syllabus:


Sem III: Download
Sem IV: Download
Sem V: Download
Sem VI: Download
Sem VII: Download
Sem VIII: Download


Sem III: Download
Sem IV: Download
Sem V: Download
Sem VI: Download


Sem III: Download
Sem IV: Download


Sem V: Download
Sem VI: Download

Sem VII: Download
Sem VIII: Download


Sem V:
Sem VI: Smart Computing


Sem III: Download

Sem IV: Data Analytics

Scheme and Syllabus of Minors Degree Program