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The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers Student Forum at a Glance

  • The local chapter of IETE Students Forum (SF) was established in the Academic Year ‘2005 – 06’ at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering of D J Sanghvi College of Engineering.
  • The students conduct various workshops, technical events to enhance their professional skills.
  • Some of the activities being conducted on a regular basis are D J Spark - The State Level Project Competition, Industrial Visit, Newsletters, Book Bank, Component Bank, Value added Training Program and Workshops.
  • D J Spark and D J Strike both activities give platform to the participant to publish their ideas in a journal with ISBN number and the publication process is driven completely by IETE-SF student committee members only.

For more details about IETE-Student Forum, click on,

For more details about Technical Journal , click on


DJ-IETE Committee Structure:

2023-2024                           2022-2023

2021-2022                           2020-2021                                 2019-2020                                   

2018-2019                           2017-2018                                 2016-2017

2015-2016                           2014-2015                                 2013-2014

IETE-SF Reports

A.Y. 2023-24           A.Y. 2022-23            A.Y. 2021-22             A.Y. 2020-21                A.Y. 2019-20 

DJS Arya (Video)

DJS Arya is the official canister satellite team of D J Sanghvi College of Engineering, Mumbai, established in the year 2017 by a group of students from EXTC, Mechanical, Computer departments, intrigued by the world of space technology. Just as the name suggests, Team build a fully functional miniature satellite integrated with space technology, which we present each year at the annual International Cansat competition, conducted by the American Astronautical Society (AAS) in collaboration with NASA.

Click here for the DJS Arya Report

DJS Antariksh (Video)

DJS Antariksh is the official Martian Rover Team of Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering, Mumbai, India established in 2019-20. The team consists of 50 passionate 2nd and 3rd year undergraduate students from diverse engineering disciplines who are united by a shared mission to push the boundaries of space exploration through innovation. The team's motto, 'To Decipher Unimaginable', embodies its commitment to space exploration. The team aims to represent India at various international competitions like the European Rover Challenge and International Rover Challenge, showcasing its commitment to advancing space exploration by developing cutting-edge autonomous Martian rover technology.

Click here for the DJS Antariksh Report